Board Openings

November 08, 2022

New Leaf Behavioral Health is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in Raleigh, NC with a focus on increasing access to affordable mental health care. We are interested in expanding our board of directors and are seeking diverse members of the community to serve actively on our board.  We are currently seeking individuals with experience in any of the following areas.

  • IT and health information security
  • Networking & outreach – “connectors”
  • Medical doctors & psychiatrists
  • Fundraising, grants, capital campaigns
  • Legal, specializing in healthcare/privacy
  • Finance, investment planning, wealth management, financial advising
  • HR, employment practices

To learn more about board requirements, you can visit our Board Involvement page for more information.

Board Opportunities
If you are interested in one of the board opportunities for the areas listed, please contact our board chair, Caroline Hope Griffith at